We offer free express shipping worldwide. The items are dispatched within 3 working days of receipt of order and should therefore arrive in about 7 days at the latest. Any orders requiring a "next day" delivery need to be completed before 1PM to ensure dispatch. All items with a value in excess of €150.00 will require a signature on delivery. We send all of our outerwear products with free express shipping worldwide. We collaborate with the following courier companies: FedEx, UPS, TNT & DHL.

For instant dispatch or gift wrapping, please contact us at



As a long-established company, we are very proud of our customer service. If you are dissatisfied with your purchase, please return it to us along with your order number within 14 days as of the day you receive your purchase, on the condition that the item(s) arrives back to us in its original condition. Thereafter, we will be happy to arrange a replacement of the item within 28 days or refund you the payment you have made within 14 days of receiving your cancellation request. However, your refund may be delayed if we do not receive the items.


We always appreciate feedbacks! Therefore, please kindly state the reason for return as it will help us to better understand our customers' expectations and improve the quality of our products.

Feel free to reach us if you have any questions or concerns via our WhatsApp Messenger phone number or email us at as shown on our contact page.

For more details please visit;